Please ensure you have the documents listed below when you arrive to the Inbound Branch for your New Join Audit.
Accession Pipeline Marines (This is your first permanent duty station):
- Copy of Boot Camp Orders
- Copy of SOI Orders
- Copy of Recruiters Assistance Orders (If Applicable)
- Copy of Schoolhouse Orders (If Applicable)
- Orders to Present Unit
- Complete Service Record Book
- Travel receipts (If Applicable)
Careerists PCSing:
- Basic Orders
- Orders Endorsement
- Port Call (If coming from an OCONUS location)
- All Other Endorsements/Forms (TMO/CMD/IPAC/Housing) (if Applicable)
- Receipts (Hotel/Flights)
- MROWS Orders
- Receipts (As applicable)
***If you acquired a dependent en route to your new duty station, please bring the following documents with you to your New Join Audit class: -Proof of dependency (Marriage License, Birth Certificate) - Identification for the dependent being added. The aforementioned documents must be provided for every dependent on your record, even if they have already been approved as dependents in the past.***