Assessments, CCRI, Cyber Risk, Cyber Inspections, ICEDEMon, PDS
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This page contains information regarding information about Cybersecurity Assessments as a Functional Area. The Assessment Functional Area covers the White Team (WT), the Marine Corps Web Risk Assessment Cell (MCWRAC) and Protected Distribution System (PDS) Assessments.
ICE DEMon / White Team
The Marine Corps Institutional Cybersecurity Enterprise Defense Monitoring (ICE DEMon), aka "White Team", is a geographically dispersed team of skilled cybersecurity engineers that provide pre-CCRI assessment, Cybersecurity Site Assistance Visits, Cybersecurity process oversight, training, analysis, trending and subject matter expert support to the USMC Cybersecurity Workforce (CSWF) across the USMC.
Marine Corps Web Risk Assessment Cell (MCWRAC)
The Marine Corps Web Risk Assessment Cell (MCWRAC) conducts Web Risk Assessments of Marine Corps organizational web sites to identify OPSEC and Cybersecurity vulnerabilities, issues, and/or concerns. The MCWRAC mission is to ensure that publicly accessible, non-restricted, Marine Corps World Wide Web sites are protected against malicious activities intended to deny, degrade, or disrupt public access to Marine Corps web sites or modify the content in any way.
Protected Distribution Systems (PDS)
PDS infrastructure exists to transmit unencrypted classified information through an area of lesser classification or control. It must provide adequate electrical, electromagnetic, and physical safeguards to deter exploitation. All PDSs must be verified to be compliant by a certified tempest technical authority (CTTA) and accredited by the service Authorizing Official (AO) for connection and operation.
Headquarters Marine Corps IC4 ICC-Cybersecurity Branch
Pentagon, Room 1D253 Washington, DC 20350-3000
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Please contact the Team via email.
Please contact the COMSEC Manager via email.
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Last Updated: 13 January 2023