Please refer to the most recent SOP released May 07 2021 here HQMC HH IMA SOP
Accountability: Please update your primary email in MOL and with your Operational Sponsor (OpSponsor) to reflect the email you check on a daily basis. We want to ensure we have the ability to contact all IMA Marines, and pulling current information from MOL is how we reach out to you.
Administrative Action Requests (EPARs): All correspondences that requires the Battalion Commander’s signature must first be endorsed by the OpSponsor and then by the OPGROUP. Submit all correspondences via EPAR to the OpSponsor first. The OpSponsor will forward the EPAR to the OPGROUP for action.
Minimum Participation Requirements: Charlie Company Marines are required to complete certain annual training events to satisfy minimum participation requirements. Please see the Bn IMA Program SOP for specific events. The Company staff will work with the OpSponsors and IMA Marines to ensure they are in compliance with the SOP.
If you require ANY services or administrative assistance, please use your OpSponsor as your first echelon support and we will take action from them as necessary.