How To Submit A Purchase Request
Determine what kind of purchase request you are submitting:
- Contract - Over $3000
- Routine - Under $3000
- MILSTRIP - No Dollar Value
Once you have determined what kind of purchase, please follow the below steps for completing your purchase request.
On the PR Builder website,, at the top right, ensure the DODACC (M67353) is selected.
Select "Cabinet", then "Create PR" and complete as follows:
The PR number will be completed automatically. Ensure the number includes the following:
10 - Fiscal Year
And the appropriate two digit code:
RQ - Routine Buys, MILSTRIP
SU - Contract
TG - Training
PR - Printing
00000 - automated serial number
PR Name - Name the PR appropriately
Priority - 5, 10, 15
Priority Justification - You must justify your purchase
Date Created will fill in automatically
Financial System:
1. SABRS (Contracts)
2. None Selected (Routine Buy)
Originator Information - Complete all fields
CLIN - Fill in all fields. The more information provided, the easier and faster to complete the request.
(You may put vendors information in the line description box)
*Ship to, and date of shippment - are required sections
Note: You must ensure that everything in
RED is completed. Also, Attach any supporting documentation for your request to the PR before submitting.