
Henderson Hall
Check In Information page
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  1. Henderson Hall is now using the Inbound Interview (IBI) and Travel Voucher Interview (TVI) under the travel tab in MOL.

  2. Inbound personnel should direct IBI questions to  You can also review these PDFs to help you get started: QuickStartGuide - Inbound Interview and QuickStartGuide - Travel Voucher Interview

  3. Headquarters Company (orders to MCC 011) will check into Henderson Hall in Service A uniform.

  4. All other personnel will check into their individual sections in Service A uniform.

  5. Most non-Headquarters Company personnel have IBI personnel in their individual sections.  Those who do not can email for guidance.

  6. E-9s and O-6s will have in briefs with the SgtMaj and CO respectively. 

  7. Check-in sheets are no longer required.

  8. Attend Welcome Aboard Orientation. 



If you're retiring, please go to this LINK. You'll be sent to the Outbound SEPS Regular Separations (EAS) page with further information on separating. 

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Alpha Company

If you received orders to report to a HQMC or a Deputy Commandant’s office, you will be administratively attached to Alpha Company (A Co). The same company staff supports HQ Co and A Co Marines. For more information, please click here.

Bravo Company

If you received orders to one of the 110 MCCs which assign you to a non-Marine Corps command, you will be administratively attached to Bravo Company (B Co). The below lists some examples of the units supported by the B Co staff. Keep in mind that this list is not all inclusive. Reach out to the B Co staff listed in this link for more information:

-          Joint commands

-          SECNAV Counsel of Review Boards

-          Defense Agencies

-          Enlisted Medical Degree Completion Preparatory Program

-          EOD Technology Division

-          Foreign Area Officers/SNCOs

-          Fellows

-          Intelligence Agencies

-          Military Postal Service Agency

-          Naval commands

-          Naval ROTC Programs

-          National Defense University

-          National Intelligence University

-          Office of the Chief Judge

-          Office of the Judge Advocate General

-          Periodic Review Secretariat

-          US Military Observer Group

-          White House


If you are a Reserve Marine who is joining an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) OpGroup, you will be administratively attached to Charlie Company (C Co). For contact information and more click here.


If you have received orders to MCC 011, you will be attached to Headquarters Company (HQ Co). The same company staff supports HQ Co and A Co Marines. For more information, please click here.

Headquarters Marine Corps