
Distribution Management Office

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Mission Statement

Is to provide quality, efficient, cost-effective transportation support to Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, and other Department of Defense agencies throughout the National Capital Region. Our Travel Management Company (TMC) provides airline reservations and ticketing; rental car, hotel reservations; bus and rail tickets as required in the performance of official travel (PCS or TAD). Our Household Goods section (HHG) processes applications for outbound personal property shipments, mobile homes, boats, and Privately-Owned Vehicles (POV’s); arrange temporary and non-temporary storage of HHG’s and mobile homes; assists with the processing and filing of personal property claims for damages.

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Household Goods and Official Travel | (703) 614-7190/91 /

Travel Management Company (CWTSATO) | 1-866-928-1154 /

Officer in Charge (OIC) | 703-693-8541

Distribution Management Chief | 703-693-5694

Headquarters Marine Corps