
Commander publishes reading list for Marine Warriors

17 Apr 2007 | #NAME?

Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis, commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command, has recently published the COMUSMARCENT Reading List to help Marines and sailors better prepare for the long road ahead in the Global War on Terrorism.

The MARCENT Reading List is a collection of books, newspaper and magazine articles, and Marine Corps publications to be read by Marines and sailors deploying into the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. 

The CENTCOM AOR is comprised of 27 countries, an estimated 522 million people, seven major languages and hundreds of dialects, more than 12 major religious groups, and 18 ethnic groups.

“The Global War on Terrorism is a long war, and as such we need to continue our preparation to be engaged in all aspects of this war,” said Lt. Gen. Mattis. His intent is to prepare Marines and sailors for the operational, tactical, cultural and environmental factors in which they may be confronted.

The COMUSMARCENT Reading List is not all inclusive, and local commands may additionally require their Marines and sailors to accomplish other tasks in preparation for deployment. According to Lt. Gen. Mattis, these actions will ensure the Marine Corps deploys educated, well-trained and properly prepared Marines and sailors into the fight.

The COMUSMARCENT Reading List is separated into specific regions within the CENTCOM AOR. The list notes what readings are appropriate, dependent on the individual’s pay grade and length of time before deploying. The COMUSMARCENT Reading List can be found at the following link:

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