
Marine Corps Systems Command conducts Marine Corps running suit survey

23 Jul 2007 | Corporate Communications Headquarters Marine Corps

Effective today, July 23, Marine Corps System Command’s Program Manager for Infantry Combat Equipment is conducting a survey soliciting input from Marines on various designs being considered in source selection of the Marine Corps running suit, part of the Commandant’s Physical Training Uniform initiative. According to MCSC officials, the selected running suit will not replace any items in the Marine sea bag, and instead, will be added to it.

All active-duty and reserve Marines are invited to participate in the comprehensive survey scheduled to conclude at midnight EDT on Friday, July 27. The survey is accessible online at, at MCSC’s website and at the Marine Corps’ official website

“This web survey will gather a consensus from an aesthetic point of view,” said Portia Blunt, project officer for PM ICE. “The results will be used in conjunction with other weighted factors to determine the final selected design.”

As a conduit for Marines, PM ICE will continue to conduct such surveys for Marine input on new initiatives related to its mission to enhance the performance, capability and sustainability for the clothing and equipment for operating forces.

Headquarters Marine Corps