
Headquarters Marine Corps
Headquarters and Service Battalion
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To provide operational, administrative, supply services, and logistical support for chargeable, non-chargeable, and attached Marine Corps personnel assigned within the Washington Metropolitan Area to Headquarters Marine Corps, other Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government, Joint or Armed Service Schools and Marine Corps personnel assigned within the Washington Metropolitan Area to duty under instruction, awaiting separation, awaiting assignment or transportation, in a disciplinary status, or who are hospitalized.

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Updated Status for H&S BN, HQMC, Henderson Hall, 31 October 2022

Face Mask Usage on Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall
Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall has transitioned to Health Protection Condition Bravo

Effective Mar. 1, 2022, JBM-HH rescinds its Aug. 2, 2021 policy requiring face coverings indoors. When the CDC COVID-19 Community Level is low in the county where a DoD installation or facility is located, indoor mask-wearing is not required for DoD personnel or visitors. As of Mar. 1, 2022, both the District of Columbia and Arlington County have been designated “low” by the CDC.

Individuals may choose to still wear a mask regardless of the CDC COVID-19 Community Level. Regardless of the CDC COVID-19 Community Level, DoD force health protection guidance for workplace access and mask wearing for DoD personnel with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 remains in effect. All other force health protection guidance remains in effect, including guidance regarding workplace access, occupancy levels, physical distancing, travel, and meetings. Individual must follow more rigorous workplace mask mandates when commanders and supervisors determine that it is required to protect health and safety in the workplace, such as mask wearing by health care workers. Accordingly, the mask policy for Rader Health Clinic and the Cody Child Development Center has not changed – all personnel and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, are still required to wear a mask indoors at these facilities until further notice.


To view JBM-HH Updated Cloth Face Coverings Policy , click on the link.



For base wide information, please view the link below.
Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Notifications
MCCS Closures, Modified Hours of Operations and Event updates

For accurate and the newest information about COVID-19, please visit:
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
What the U.S. Government is Doing?
Virginia Department of Health COVID-19

Need to contact OOD? 

Please call OOD at: 202-439-5941

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1. Report to CONAD in Alphas with your orders.

(If after working hours, turn a copy of your orders into the OOD & return to CONAD the next business day)

2. Contact your respective company staff for specific check-in instructions dependent on where you will be reporting for work/school.

3. Complete Henderson Hall check-in sheet.

4. Complete check-in with your operational section or school

5. Attend the Welcome Aboard Orientation:

6. Turn in check-in sheet to your company staff.

If you're retiring, please go to this LINK. You'll be sent to the Outbound SEPS Regular Separations (EAS) page with further information on separating. 

Which Company Do I Belong TO?

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If you received orders to report to a HQMC or a Deputy Commandant’s office, you will be administratively attached to Alpha Company (A Co). The same company staff supports HQ Co and A Co Marines. For more information, please click here.

If you received orders to one of the 110 MCCs which assign you to a non-Marine Corps command, you will be administratively attached to Bravo Company (B Co). The below lists some examples of the units supported by the B Co staff. Keep in mind that this list is not all inclusive. Reach out to the B Co staff listed in this link for more information:

-          Joint commands

-          SECNAV Counsel of Review Boards

-          Defense Agencies

-          Enlisted Medical Degree Completion Preparatory Program

-          EOD Technology Division

-          Foreign Area Officers/SNCOs

-          Fellows

-          Intelligence Agencies

-          Military Postal Service Agency

-          Naval commands

-          Naval ROTC Programs

-          National Defense University

-          National Intelligence University

-          Office of the Chief Judge

-          Office of the Judge Advocate General

-          Periodic Review Secretariat

-          US Military Observer Group

-          White House

If you are a Reserve Marine who is joining an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) OpGroup, you will be administratively attached to Charlie Company (C Co). For contact information and more click here.

If you have received orders to MCC 011, you will be attached to Headquarters Company (HQ Co). The same company staff supports HQ Co and A Co Marines. For more information, please click here.

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